February 23, 2022

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Tips for Managers on Wellness, Coaching, and Avoiding Burnout in Challenging Times

Yesterday, I was the keynote speaker for the Health Canada Manager's conference and Dr. Tam presented opening remarks.

I got to speak right after Dr. Tam. That's me at the top left waiting to go on after Dr. Tam.

For those of you none Canadians, Dr. Tam is our Canadian equivalent to the USA Dr. Fauci. A strong visible minority professional woman who provided Canadians with scientific data throughout the pandemic.

For all the managers out there, I know that this has been an amazingly difficult time, especially for those in health care, your responsibilities have changed rapidly with no end in sight.

I champion you! Remember how important you are to the execution of work. Work would not happen without the supervision of managers.

Work would not happen without the supervision of managers

Remember the work you do is important because it directly affects the customers', clients' and patients' experience.

You seldom hear well done, but you often hear the complaints when things don't go as expected.

Remember to take those precious moments for yourself to nurture and improve your wellness. Stay connected to your team, you need them, and they need you.

Learn to coach up and coach down. Ask your subordinates and your leaders if they have one or two ideas to share with you.

Don't take on monkeys on your back. Remind your team to bring options to consider with each problem they present to you.

It's those micro improvement steps you take daily that really count. Wellness has a compound interest effect. It is not an overnight process.

Keep your head up and be compassionate with yourself and your team.

This year's Global Workplace Wellness Summit will take place live, in Winnipeg, MB. Canada. Join us from September 28 - 29, 2022, at Canad Inns Destination Centre Regent Casino Hotel.

Click the link below to register, book your tradeshow booth, or apply to speak. Together, we can make the changes necessary to redefine wellness in the new world of work. Click here

About the author

Joyce Odidison is a Coach, Mediator, Facilitator, Keynote Speaker, and Thought Leader of the groundbreaking Well-being Intelligence Curriculum. With a career spanning over 27 years as a Conflict Analyst, Professional Trainer, University Lecturer, and Master Certified Coach, Joyce helps organizations solve difficult challenges and transition into psychologically safe workspaces that promotes inclusiveness and well-being. As President and CEO of Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc., she has designed transformative training sessions and curricula for her clients, as well as some offered exclusively through her company, such as the Global Workplace Wellness Summit and an ICF Approved Coach Training program. She can be reached at https://interpersonalwellness.com

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