Because coaching helps build a happier, more successful, contented and fulfilled work and life...

We offer a full range of leadership, life, and professional development coaching options to maximize your success.

Well-being Coaching Sessions
Statistics of Recommend Coaching
Customers served! 1 %  Clients state they would recommend coaching
coaching has changed their lives.
Customers served! 1 %  Clients tell us coaching has changed their lives.
Client Return Rate
Customers served! 1 %  Clients return use coaching multiple times.
coaching for major life issues.
Customers served! 1 %  Clients use coaching for major life issues.

Hear What Attendees are Saying...

Choose From These Coaching Packages

Leadership Coaching

Maximize your leadership results with our relational leadership coaching program.

Upcoming Sessions

  • Next Cohort: January 24, 2024 – April 9, 2024
    Cost: $4500
    Enrollment open

Respectful Workplace Coaching

Transform your mindset, behaviour, and your results in the coaching program and e-course.

Upcoming Sessions

  • Next Cohort: February, 1 – 29, 2024 (5 weeks)
    Cost: $2500
    Enrollment open

Resilience and Well-being Coaching

Maximize your life satisfaction and resilience with powerful coaching.

Book your personal power coaching session with a wellness assessment.

Personal coaching packages range from $250 and up.

Looking for Individual Care Coaching? Learn more

Here’s What Your Fellow Attendees Have Asked Before Clicking Sign up.

1. What is well-being coaching?

Well-being coaching is a client-centered process that focuses on enhancing an individual's overall well-being, including physical, mental, and emotional health. It differs from traditional therapy, which often addresses specific mental health issues, by emphasizing personal growth, goal setting, and achieving a balanced lifestyle.

2. What areas of life can well-being coaching help improve?

Well-being coaching can improve both personal and professional aspects of life. It covers emotional intelligence, stress management, work-life balance, relationship building, and personal fulfillment.

3. Who can benefit from well-being coaching?

Anyone looking to improve their quality of life can benefit from well-being coaching. This includes individuals with specific challenges, goals, or anyone seeking to enhance their overall sense of well-being.

4. How does well-being coaching contribute to a fulfilling life?

It helps individuals identify and achieve personal and professional goals, develop resilience, improve relationships, and maintain a positive work-life balance, contributing to a more fulfilling life.

5. What does a typical well-being coaching session look like?

Sessions typically involve discussing goals, challenges, and progress. Coaches use techniques like guided questioning and action planning to help clients develop strategies for improvement.

6. How long does one typically engage with a well-being coach?

The duration varies based on individual needs. Some might benefit from a few sessions, while others might engage in a longer-term coaching relationship.

7. What qualifications should a well-being coach have?

A well-being coach should have relevant training and certification in coaching, along with experience in areas like psychology, counseling, or life coaching.

8. Can well-being coaching be done remotely or only in person?

Well-being coaching can be effectively done both remotely and in-person. Many coaches offer virtual sessions, providing flexibility and accessibility.

9. How is progress measured in well-being coaching?

Progress is typically measured through self-assessment, feedback sessions, and tracking of specific goals. Coaches may use tools like well-being scales or progress charts.

10. What is the difference between well-being coaching and life coaching?

While both focus on personal growth, well-being coaching specifically targets an individual's overall well-being, including health, happiness, and balance, whereas life coaching may focus more broadly on personal and professional achievements.

About the Author
Joyce Odidison, MA. MCC. CTDP.

Joyce Odidison wears many hats – from an international Keynote Speaker to a pioneer of the groundbreaking Well-being Intelligence Curriculum. With a career spanning over 26 years as a Conflict Analyst, Professional Trainer, University Lecturer, and Master Certified Coach, Joyce has consistently broken barriers. As President and CEO of Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc., she has designed transformative training sessions and curricula, including the Global Workplace Wellness Summit and an ICF Approved Coach Training program.

Joyce Odidison

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