Increase Participation in Workplace Wellness Programs with the Well-Being Intelligence Curriculum™ Training!

Unlock the Power of Well-Being in Your Workplace with the World’s First Competency-Based Well-Being Curriculum

Fuel Resilience And Mental Health With The Well-Being Intelligence Curriculum™ Training!

Unlock the Power of Well-Being in Your Workplace with the World’s First Competency-Based Well-Being Curriculum.

An innovative and compelling way to optimize well-being to foster resilience and innovation.

The health and happiness of employees are paramount to an organization’s success.

We at Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc., proudly introduce the world’s first competency-based Well-Being Intelligence Curriculum™, a revolutionary training program designed to methodically enhance workplace wellness and productivity.

Our well-being competency teaching curriculum accelerates participation in existing workplace wellness programs by more than 50%.

Well-being Intelligence Curriculum™ Training

Improve Your ROI Quantifiable Result

Statistics of reduction in workplace accidents.
Customers served! 1 %  reduction in workplace accidents.
Statistics of improvement in work
Customers served! 1 %  improvement in work performance and quality of work.
Statistics of improvement in work
Customers served! 1 %  reduction in Absenteeism.
Statistics of Increased participation
Customers served! 1 % Increased participation in workplace wellness program offerings.

Well-being Intelligence Curriculum™

Improve Your ROI Quantifiable Result

Customers served! 1 %  reduction in workplace accidents.
Customers served! 1 %  improvement in work performance quality of work.
Customers served! 1 %  reduction in Absenteeism.
Customers served! 1 %  less voluntary attrition.

Training That Transforms

Our curriculum stands as the first of its kind, offering a comprehensive approach to employee well-being through a competency-based framework. Participants will:

  • Engage with interactive, expert-led training sessions tailored to foster each competency.
  • Apply what they’ve learned through practical, real-world assignments and projects.
  • Reflect on their growth and understanding, setting personal and professional goals for improvement.
  • Connect with peers and facilitators in a supportive community, sharing insights and experiences.
Dimensions and Competencies of Wellbeing - WIS

Unlock up to 25% discount on well-being curriculum training for your organization as a partner.

A Journey Through Well-Being Competencies

Each month, participants dive into a new facet of well-being, ranging from emotional intelligence and stress resilience to physical health, spiritual wellness, integrity, innovation, belonging, and a range of other interpersonal skills.

This 12-month journey is meticulously designed to build upon each competency, fostering a holistic sense of well-being that permeates both personal and professional life.

The Importance of Pacing

We understand that learning, especially on topics as critical as well-being, cannot be rushed. Our unique monthly rotation ensures that participants have ample time to absorb, understand, and apply each competency without the pressure of an accelerated timeline. This pacing is crucial in preventing information overload and promoting a sustainable, meaningful integration of well-being practices into daily life.

The 12-Month Curriculum at a Glance

  • January: Trust Building – Integrity and spiritual wellness in leadership and corporate brands, teams and working groups.
  • February: Stress Social Connections – Communicating for change, sharing messages and knowledge transfer for success group dynamics.
  • March: Emotional Intelligence - Mastering self-awareness and empathy to enhance interpersonal relations. ...and so on, each month unveiling a new competency, culminating in a comprehensive mastery of well-being.

Ready to create your tailored competency learning plan for your workplace?

Why This Curriculum Matters

The well-being of employees can at times take a backseat in the quest for high performance and productivity. However, research consistently shows that a workforce that is well in mind, body, and spirit is significantly more productive.

Our curriculum lets you proactively build a culture where well-being is the foundation of success to reduce absenteeism and high turnover. 

Take the First Step

Transform your organization with the Well-Being Intelligence Curriculum™.
Whether you’re looking to enhance team cohesion, boost individual performance, or simply foster a healthier workplace culture, this curriculum offers the tools and insights needed to achieve tangible results.

Embark on a 12-month journey that promises not just to educate but to transform. Let’s pace the path to well-being together, ensuring that every step taken is one toward a happier, healthier, and more productive workplace.

Ready to Begin?

Discover how the world’s first competency-based Well-Being Intelligence Curriculum™ can revolutionize your organization.

Let’s help you pace learning, reduce overwhelm, and embrace a holistic approach to workplace well-being.

Increase participation in your existing workplace wellness program offerings

We will help you assess your well-being needs, and recommend a tailored competency learning path suitable for diverse departments employee needs.

Your Partner in Fostering Workplace Wellness

At Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc., we are committed to enhancing the mental and physical health of your workforce. Our innovative approach and science-backed strategies are designed to cultivate a culture of well-being that supports mental health and psychological safety, ensuring your organization not only thrives but excels.

Take the First Step Towards Transforming Your Workplace

  • Comprehensive Wellness Assessments: Start with our nine-dimensional well-being assessment for a clear insight into your team’s well-being landscape. Start Here
  • In-depth Audits: Request a workplace well-being audit to align your team’s competencies and mitigate risks. Start Here
  • Employee Training: Gain access to a diverse array of learning methodologies and 12-month learning journey to transform your workplace into a hub of innovation and high performance. Learn more
  • Facilitator Training: Empower your team by training an in-house Well-being Intelligence Curriculum™ Facilitator. Learn more
The Power of Continuous Well - being Competency Training
Emotional Wellness Cleanse E-course

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