Unlock a Healthier, More Productive Workforce 

With Our Ongoing Well-being Curriculum Program Available Through the Wellness Academy.

Are You Tired of Watching Your Workforce Struggle with Burnout, Low Productivity, and Mental Health Challenges?

Your workplace is constantly evolving, and so are the challenges your employees face. That’s why our Workplace Wellness Program isn’t a one-time solution. Our dynamic, ongoing wellness initiative is designed to to keep up with the needs of your team, month after month. Our program continuously delivers new, cutting-edge wellness content that keeps employees engaged, healthy, and performing at their best.

Are you Tired of Wondering how to Keep Your Workplace Wellness Program Engaging and Dynamic?

Here’s Why Our Ongoing Content Rollout Sets Us Apart

Constantly Updated Wellness Curriculum
With most wellness programs, you get a standard package, and that’s it. But we know your employees need more than a one-time fix. That’s why we’ve developed a comprehensive Well-being Curriculum with new content rolled out every month.

This powerful, science-backed content is designed to address real-life wellness challenges in real time.

Our team of wellness experts is always updating the curriculum with the latest strategies, tools, and micro-skills to help your employees stay resilient, motivated, and focused on their well-being.

We have been assessing employees since 2014

By taking the well-being assessment, you will become...

Customers served! 150 % more aware of what makes up well-being.
Customers served! 150 % more intelligent
about how to
Customers served! 150 %   more
able about what actions to change.
Customers served! 150 % feel more in control about improving wellbeing.

What Does the Monthly Rollout Look Like?

Each month, we release fresh, targeted content through our Wellness Academy, focusing on one of the 12 core competencies building on over 300 micro skills that drive wellness and professional growth.

Join the Monthly Competency-based Mental Well-being Reset Sessions. New Tools Every Month to Keep Employees Engaged.

Each month, your employees will have access to brand-new well-being content, tools, resources, and exercises through our Wellness Academy. From engaging podcasts and practical affirmations to self-esteem boosting exercises and action-driven micro-skills labs, your team will have everything they need to stay focused on their well-being.

Why Ongoing Wellness Content Matters

The truth is, wellness isn’t a "set it and forget it" situation. Employees face new challenges every day, whether it’s increased stress, shifting team dynamics, or even unexpected life events. That’s why staying ahead with fresh, relevant content is so critical. Our ongoing content rollout ensures that your employees always have the latest strategies and insights to tackle whatever comes their way keeping them productive, engaged, and, most importantly, healthy.

What You Can Expect from Our Monthly Content Rollout:

Timely, Relevant Topics

Each new release is crafted around current wellness trends and the unique needs of today’s workforce.

Practical, Actionable Tools

No fluff! Just real, science-backed strategies employees can use to boost their well-being, well-being prompts and microskills.

Constant Growth

Every month, your team gets the opportunity to build new skills and strengthen their wellness competency.

Unlike other programs that focus solely on one or two dimensions of wellness, we focus on the whole-person system model. The multidimensional Wellness Improvement System powers the Well-being Intelligence Curriculum to ensure we offer inclusive, current, targeted, and diverse content. 

We’ve spent years (and millions of hours creating this curriculum) speaking directly with employees to understand what works and what doesn’t engage, observing results, following up, and getting feedback from workplaces on why our method works. We never tire of listening to employees and collaborating with leaders to optimize health and performance.

Register for a Session Below

September 26, 2024 - Resilience: Strengthening Teamwork, Conflict Resolution, and Relationship-Building

In this session, we’ll explore the core elements of resilience within the workplace, focusing on how employees can strengthen their ability to navigate challenges and improve collaboration. Attendees will learn practical strategies to enhance teamwork, resolve conflicts with confidence, and build strong relationships that foster a supportive and high-performing work environment. This session equips employees with the tools to face adversity while maintaining positive, productive interactions.

October 24, 2024 - Vision: Helping Employees Create and Live with Purpose

This session focuses on the power of vision in both personal and professional growth. Participants will be guided through exercises to help them define a clear vision for their future and align their day-to-day actions with long-term goals. By learning how to live with purpose, employees will boost their motivation, sharpen their focus, and bring a sense of meaning to their work. This session helps them connect their personal values with the company’s mission, driving both individual fulfillment and organizational success.

November 28, 2024 - Belonging: Promoting Inclusion, Diversity, Justice, and Equity

This transformative session highlights the importance of belonging in the workplace, emphasizing the role of inclusion, diversity, justice, and equity. Attendees will explore how to foster a culture where everyone feels valued and respected, regardless of background. The session will offer actionable strategies for creating environments that support diverse perspectives, promote fairness, and encourage employees to contribute their best selves, leading to more collaborative and innovative teams.

December 12, 2024 - Attending: Teaching Focus, Attention, and Strategies to Reduce Multitasking

In this session, employees will dive into the concept of attending, learning how to cultivate focus and improve their attention span in a world full of distractions. The session will address the myths of multitasking and demonstrate how employees can boost their productivity by focusing on one task at a time. Attendees will be introduced to techniques for mindful attention management and strategies to reduce the constant pull of multitasking, enabling them to perform more efficiently and with greater satisfaction.

January 16, 2025 - Integrity: Building Trust and Accountability

Integrity is the foundation of trust in any workplace. In this session, participants will explore how integrity contributes to building trust and fostering a culture of accountability. Employees will learn how to uphold high ethical standards, communicate openly and honestly, and take ownership of their actions. This session empowers teams to build stronger, more reliable relationships with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders by consistently demonstrating trustworthiness and responsibility.

Don’t Let Your Workforce Fall Behind

In today’s competitive market, companies that prioritize ongoing employee wellness are the ones that stay ahead. With our monthly curriculum updates, you’ll continuously invest in your employees’ health and well-being, ensuring they stay motivated, resilient, and productive.

No more worrying about how to supplement your workplace wellness program with fresh new timely wellness competency-based content.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about how our dynamic, ever-evolving wellness content can transform your workplace for the better.

Workshop faqs

1. What is the Well-being Curriculum Rollout?

Our Well-being Curriculum Rollout is an ongoing, dynamic wellness initiative that provides fresh, science-backed wellness content to your team every month. This continuous rollout ensures your employees stay engaged and receive relevant, actionable strategies to improve their mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

2. How is this different from other wellness programs?

Most wellness programs offer a one-time solution, but we understand that your workplace and its challenges are constantly evolving. That’s why we provide a monthly curriculum update, delivering new tools, strategies, and insights designed to address real-life wellness challenges as they arise.

3. What kind of content is included in the monthly rollout?

Each month, we focus on one of the 12 core wellness competencies such as integrity, self-mastery, resilience, and vision. You’ll receive access to new tools like engaging podcasts, affirmations, self-esteem boosting exercises, and action-driven micro-skills labs through our digital learning Wellness Competency Academy.

4. Is the content accessible remotely?

Yes! All content in the Wellness Academy is accessible via mobile or desktop. Your employees can access the latest wellness tools, exercises, and resources whenever and wherever they need them, providing flexibility and convenience.

5. How will this benefit my team long-term?

The ongoing nature of our Well-being Curriculum Rollout ensures that your employees continuously develop new wellness skills, build resilience, and maintain high levels of engagement and productivity. With timely, relevant content, your team stays prepared to tackle evolving challenges, leading to a healthier, more productive workforce.

6. How often is new content released?

We release new, targeted content four times per month. This keeps the program fresh and ensures your employees are always receiving the latest wellness strategies and insights to stay ahead. There is also a variety so employees can align with what meets their wellness plans.

7. What topics are covered in the Well-being Curriculum?

Our curriculum covers 12 core wellness competencies, including:

  • Integrity: Building trust and accountability.
  • Self-Mastery: Enhancing emotional intelligence and self-control.
  • Resilience: Strengthening teamwork, conflict resolution, and relationship-building.
  • Vision: Helping employees create and live with purpose.
  • Belonging: Promoting inclusion, diversity, justice, and equity and much more.

8. How will this improve employee engagement?

With weekly updates themed each month, employees stay motivated and consistently receive practical, actionable tools that directly impact their well-being. The weekly infusion of new content keeps the program exciting and relevant, leading to higher engagement levels across your workforce. It also creates anticipation of what’s to come each month.

9. How can I get started?

It’s simple! Just contact us today to schedule a consultation. We’ll walk you through how our Well-being Curriculum Program Rollout can be tailored to your team’s needs and start boosting your workforce’s health and productivity immediately.