Build Resilience and Well-being Competencies for all employees

Well-being Intelligence Competency Curriculum is an enterprise-wide solution to build resilience, reduce burnout, increase engagement and productivity for all employees.

Build Resilience and Well-being Competencies for all employees

Well-being Intelligence Competency Curriculum is an enterprise-wide solution to build resilience, reduce burnout, increase engagement and productivity for all employees.

Well-being for all ensures enterprise-wide business growth and innovation!

Customers served! 1 % Increase in resilience
Customers served! 1 %   Reduction in stress leave
Customers served! 1 %  Increase in productivity
Customers served! 1 %  Increase in retention

Well-being for all ensures enterprise-wide business growth and innovation!

Customers served! 1 % Increase in resilience
Customers served! 1 %   Reduction in stress leave
Customers served! 1 %  Increase in productivity
Customers served! 1 %  Increase in retention

Build the Competencies that fuel resilience.

All employees should benefit from the organization's well-being investment so they can be resilient, agile, innovative and thrive at work.

One Competency released per month

All employees should benefit from the organization's well-being investment so they can be resilient, agile, innovative and thrive at work.

Comprehensive Assessment

Comprehensive Assessment and insight of your well-being competency needs.

The well-being intelligence competency curriculum meets your strategic business needs. Our process:

Complete the well-being intelligence

Receive your well-being intelligence score

Co-create your well-being intelligence
implementation roadmap

Activate your well-being intelligence
competency curriculum calendar

We help you choose the right competencies

Tell us your goals and we will recommend the right competencies to obtain your objectives. Choose from:


We help you align the right competencies to maximize leadership well-being intelligence and relational capacity.


We help you align the right competencies to fuel your team well-being intelligence and performance.


We help you align the right competencies to build employee well-being intelligence mindset and behaviour.

Comprehensive Assessment and insight of your well-being competency needs.

The well-being intelligence competency curriculum meets your strategic business needs. Our process:

• Complete the well-being intelligence assessment

• Receive your well-being intelligence score

• Co-create your well-being intelligence implementation roadmap

• Activate your well-being intelligence competency curriculum calendar


What is the well-being intelligence competency curriculum?

The well-being intelligence competency curriculum consist of 12 master well-being competencies that promote resilience, performance, engagement, health, and psychological safety enterprise wide. It provides full integration of one key competency per month, by aligning the competency learning activities into the daily tasks and duties of all departments based on their focus and duties. Thus, all employees benefit from developing the well-being competency as it relates to their work duties.

How can we access the curriculum?

The well-being intelligence competency curriculum is meted out based on your assessment results. Once your company completes the well-being intelligence assessment, our team will provide you with curriculum entry point that is based on your business strategic objectives.

Is the curriculum completed after 12 months?

While we offer a 12-month rotation to develop the competencies, each competency has multiple learning points and enough content and learning for up to several months. Thus, each year you will focus on different learning points that build additional skills and competencies for the curriculum. Some clients partner with us for support to build up well-being competencies for multiple years.

Can we deploy the well-being competency curriculum on our own?

We work with organizations to develop in-house well-being intelligence competency facilitators and coaches who can roll out different aspects of the competency learning in-house. Please revert to our certification and training section for more information.

Trusted by top companies

Business growth accelerates when you make resilience and well-being a part of everyday work.

Get the Resilience Competency building tools now!