October 12, 2021

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The Trust Factor at Work: Building Stronger Connections

An Erosion of Spiritual Wellness and The Mental Health Cost for Millions of Professionals and Their Families

As more employees are impacted by the weight of the global pandemic, mental health at work is becoming a concern for small and large employers alike. Trust at work is essential for employees to feel psychologically safe at work.

Lack of trust erodes employees’ confidence, promotes fear, and increases stress and anxiety. Trust among colleagues, among team members, leadership, and in the security of the organization are some key factors employees express as core issues they face at work.

No one should have to worry that their job security is less important than the shareholders’ earnings. Too often we hear of companies reporting high earnings only to note that they are also laying off staff to shore up the bottom line.

No one should lose their job or be laid off while the executives in their corporation take home huge bonuses. Trust at work is essential for high performance. If you want employees to perform at a high level, they must first trust and feel safe at work. I believe that there is a direct correlation between trust and high performance.

We must understand that trust-building takes time and effort. It takes work for leaders, and employees alike to take steps to improve trust at work. The key to building trust at work is by promoting integrity as a competency. The challenge here is that integrity is a by-product of spiritual wellness. Spiritual wellness encompasses all those invisible aspects of our lives, such as self-esteem, faith, purpose, balance, personal style, and core values. For too long we have ignored this part of our humanity and now it appears to be a deficit in our overall well-being.

building. Showing up to work with a spiritual wellness deficit will mean your team members or those you lead will be unable to trust you.

On November 8, 2021, I will open the 4th Global Workplace Wellness Summit with the new wellness competency teaching – The Trust Factor – The Spiritual Wellness Improvement Plan to align trust to high performance.

The Summit line-up

Day 1 – November 8th will focus on The Trust Factor – Aligning trust and high performance finding a path via spiritual wellness

Attendees will learn to identify:

  • Wellness deficits
  • Professional self-esteem
  • Integrity and trust

Learn to assess and unleash the power of spiritual wellness at work!

Join me here for this powerful teaching as we grapple with our current reality and find new ways to promote mental health and wellness. Get your free pass to the Global Workplace Wellness Summit here: https://globalworkplacewellnesssummit.com/

About the author

Joyce Odidison is a Coach, Mediator, Facilitator, Keynote Speaker, and Thought Leader of the groundbreaking Well-being Intelligence Curriculum. With a career spanning over 27 years as a Conflict Analyst, Professional Trainer, University Lecturer, and Master Certified Coach, Joyce helps organizations solve difficult challenges and transition into psychologically safe workspaces that promotes inclusiveness and well-being. As President and CEO of Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc., she has designed transformative training sessions and curricula for her clients, as well as some offered exclusively through her company, such as the Global Workplace Wellness Summit and an ICF Approved Coach Training program. She can be reached at https://interpersonalwellness.com

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