August 17, 2023

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Interdependence: The Key to Well-being and Success at Work and in Life

Do you have someone you can count on, and who can count on you?

We all yearn for meaningful connections and having someone in our lives we can rely on brings us a sense of comfort, safety, and happiness.

Whether in our professional or personal circles, having a reliable source of support for professional advice, emotional support, or mental encouragement is essential. Likewise, knowing that others trust and rely on us is equally fulfilling. This is a key benefit of interdependence.

“Interdependence is an essential pillar of a healthy relationship. As humans, we are intrinsically interdependent beings, and nurturing these connections is vital for our well-being”.

As we highlight the significance of interdependence and its positive impact on our personal and professional lives; we must emphasize the need to develop interdependence as an essential well-being intelligence competency to transform an organizational culture.

Take a moment to observe your workplace and identify those who can rely on you, as well as those on whom you can lean. Interdependence is when there is reciprocity in relying on and being relied upon. This is essential to ensure that both parties feel it’s an equal exchange.

Are you someone who can be interdependent? Do you give as much as you gain?

Interdependence also demands that we be inclusive and contribute to a positive, respectful workplace that uplifts others. Are you mindful of the impact you have on those around you? I hope you are. Being a source of support and positivity enriches both your life and the lives of those around you. This is especially important in the workplace.

Interdependence to enhance Well-Being Intelligence

Interdependence offers numerous well-being benefits that we will examine in this article. Let’s explore each:

  • Stronger sense of self-confidence and courage
  • Better mental health and emotional well-being
  • Less prolonged stress and loneliness and live happier and healthier lives
  • Improved productivity
  • Better relationship quality
  • Sense of purpose

Self-Confidence and Courage in Interdependence

There is a reason why those in interdependent relationships have more self-confidence, whether at work or in their personal lives. They believe in themselves and are empowered to take risks; they contribute to teams and can develop strong connections with others. It's all about finding the balance between being independent and interdependence. People thrive when they remain connected to each other. Leaders who have employees they can rely on to perform at a high level often report to have lower stress levels, and feel supported. They also feel more confident about getting work done and responding to customers' needs. The same is true when employees feel they can rely on their leaders to provide support and clear directions. They are less fearful of making mistakes and better able to learn from errors, allowing them to learn faster and become an asset to their organizations.

Mental Health and Interdependence

Mental Health and Interdependence

Mental health and interdependence are closely linked. Taking care of your relationships is essential for emotional well-being and healthy relationships with others you can rely on are essential for good mental health. When you prioritize your mental health, you can better understand and communicate your needs, provide support to others, and establish needed boundaries.

Those engaged in interdependent relationships report feeling more supported, cared for, and protected. Having someone to share daily challenges with contributes to a sense of emotional balance and reduces feelings of loneliness, fear, and mental stress.

Stress Reduction and Health Benefits of Interdependence

Having another person in your corner who provides emotional support is a key benefit of interdependence. According to an article by Science Direct, a study conducted over two weeks says that more people feel happier and healthier and experience greater life satisfaction and fewer physical symptoms on days they feel understood by others. Being part of a supportive network can help alleviate stress by providing emotional support, sharing responsibilities, and offering different perspectives. Interdependence can also promote a sense of belonging and connectedness, linked to improved physical health.

Improved Productivity

Interdependence maximizes productivity and builds a sense of community within the workforce. It provides team spirit and connectedness. The result is cooperation and engagement, which enhances and strengthens team success. Improvements in team interdependence will enhance trust, genuineness, empathy, engagement, and success. People are more willing to work together, exchange information, and assist one another when they are aware of their interdependent roles and how their actions affect others. Improved productivity, efficiency, and overall team performance are all a result of this joint effort.

Better Relationship Quality

Interdependence is essential to any good relationship, and it is important for those looking to improve the quality of a work or life relationship. It requires two people willing to be vulnerable, share their feelings and thoughts, communicate effectively, and support one another. In an interdependent relationship, both partners are usually emotionally and mentally healthy individuals who can rely on each other for help and guidance and function independently. Interdependence in relationships builds a solid bond. An interdependent relationship is not only healthy, but it’s also the key to a lasting, fulfilling relationship in work and life and a key to fostering well-being.

Sense of Purpose

Feeling connected to something larger than ourselves gives us a sense of purpose. Interdependence encourages us to contribute positively to our communities and the world, reinforcing our sense of belonging and leaving a lasting impact.

Another key element of interdependence is accepting, respecting, and embracing diversity. Instead of focusing on differences, practising acceptance, inclusion, and respect for diversity enhances trust and confidence and creates an environment where genuine interdependence flourishes.

Interdependence highlights individuality and celebrates differences in individuals, which can serve as encouragement for more people to find their sense of purpose. In a sense, interdependence emphasizes that every person has a place.

As we reflect on interdependence, let us strive to be individuals others can rely on, fostering a positive and respectful workplace that embraces diversity. By doing so, we become conscious of our impact on others, contributing to a harmonious and uplifting community that promotes well-being for all.

In conclusion, let us acknowledge the power of interdependence to develop well-being by embracing our human capacity for connectedness and creating a fulfilling life for ourselves and those around us.

Would you like to increase support to develop the skills and competency of interdependence in your work or personal life? Learn how we are implementing the well-being intelligence competencies with individuals and organizations.

To Your Wellness,

About the author

Joyce Odidison is a pioneer and Thought Leader of the groundbreaking Wellness Improvement System and Well-being Intelligence Curriculum. With a career spanning over two decades as a Conflict Analyst, Professional Trainer, University Lecturer, and Master Certified Coach, Joyce remains dedicated to learning and development. As President and CEO of Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc., she has designed and created many life changing programs such as the first ICF Approved Wellness Coach Training program, the Global Workplace Wellness Summit, and the Wellness Competency Academy that provides well-being training and coaching for professionals and their families. She continues to provide well-being training solutions and support for EAP plans, HR, Benefit Plans, Health care professionals, Coaches, Consultants and individuals looking to identify and mitigate their well-being risks.

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