January 14, 2022

Unlocking Workplace Wellness: A Guide to Sustainable Wellness Improvement

Workplace Wellness - Shifting from Programs to Systems Thinking

Ever wonder what the problem was with workplace wellness programs? They operate as single entities that is an option or a choice, they require buy in and are often dismissed and poorly attended or plague program providers with the burden of getting buy-in.

Isn’t a free world you ask? I totally agree; however, we know as humans we are inconsistent, often fail to do what’s good for us and if given a chance could become quite self-destructive. That is why most programs fail or lack the consistent participation to make them worth continuing.

Programs happen in piece meal, something over here and something once per quarter or even twice a month. Are you kidding me? If I did something wellness related bi-monthly I would be dead. Wellness is too important to be put off to the side as a programmed offering. We should begin to think of wellness systems in organizations that foster total well-being that begin with conscious incompetence and grow into unconscious competence.

In his book Systems Thinking, Peter Senge reminds that changing our mental models is the key to getting different actions and results. When systems thinking theory is applied to corporate wellness it makes all the difference and its no longer a chore or another thing to do. It becomes ingrained in everything we do.

There is much value in incorporating a workplace wellness system. A wellness system does not require enrollment, nor does it need to be championed, it operates as part of the organizational context. It requires a triple loop thinking mindset, but it works flawlessly.

Imagine being in a workplace where wellness is part of the embedded culture and where employees’ interactions, communication and the workplace processes are designed to minimize stress, reduce tension, improve the attainment of your goals, and responds to well to the human and operational needs? Utopia you say? Well it happens, and it can happen more often.

It begins with us thinking wellness improvement rather than wellness programming in. People have been programmed out and they zone out when they hear the word program. Organizations need to be more creative when it comes to wellness.

We teach the Wellness Improvement for workplace wellness at the admin@old.interpersonalwellness.com. This systemized process allows organizations to improve the wellness of their policies, programs, and procedures into a wellness system that encompasses the whole.

If you want to improve wellness at work this year and is open to a more systemic approach then feel free to visit us at https://learn.old.interpersonalwellness.com/ or email at admin@old.interpersonalwellness.com

Helping you to turn your wellness program into a wellness system is our one desire.

To Your Wellness,

About the author

Joyce Odidison is a Conflict Manager, Leadership Coach, Team Resilience Trainer, Author, and Workplace Well-Being Expert with over 27 years of experience in holistic workplace recovery and resilience. She is creator of the 90-Day Team Resilience Accelerator, a science-backed framework designed to help high-stress leaders, HR, and managers reduce the high cost of toxic team dynamics and underperformance. Grounded in Interpersonal Neurobiology (INB) and Positive Psychology, Joyce’s approach has been proven to reduce burnout, turnover, and stress leave, equipping leaders with a clear high value intervention-to-revitalization framework to build high-trust, resilient, and high-performing teams. Joyce's holistic nine-dimensional process equips leaders and their teams, accelerating the team’s success.

✅Trained 10,000+ Leaders
✅Expert in Leadership, Conflict Management, Team and Workplace Resilience & Well-Being.
✅ Founder, Wellness Competency Resilience Academy
✅ Best Selling Author of 7 books
✅ 27+ years of experience helping organizations eliminate workplace toxicity. Joyce Odidison has developed transformative solutions that empower leaders, HR, and teams to create resilient, productive, and thriving workplaces.

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