December 14, 2023

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The Integral Role of Values in Shaping Our Well-being

Do you know how your values shape the state of your well-being?

Values are the guiding principles in our lives. They play a pivotal role in shaping our well-being. Whether personal, professional, core, intrinsic, social, or family values, they influence our decisions, behaviors, and, ultimately, our sense of fulfillment. Understanding the impact of these varied values is key to enhancing our well-being.

Personal Values and Individual Well-being

Personal values are deeply held beliefs that guide our personal behavior and decisions. They are the essence of who we are. When we live in alignment with our personal values, we experience higher levels of satisfaction and well-being. These values help us define what's essential, shaping our life paths and choices in a way that is uniquely fulfilling. This allows us to live with integrity with our inner being and not just focused on what others can see on the external.

Personal Values and Individual Well-being

Professional Values and Workplace Well-being

Values dictate our work ethic, interactions, and career choices in the professional realm. When our professional values align with our workplace or career path, we feel more engaged, motivated, and satisfied. This alignment reduces job-related stress and increases our sense of accomplishment and purpose in our professional lives. The opposite is true, however. If we work in a profession or workplace that clashes with our values, we tend to be less professionally fulfilled and may be more prone to job dissatisfaction and workplace stress.

Professional Values and Workplace Well-being

Core Values as the Foundation of Well-being

Core values are the fundamental beliefs that dictate our overall approach to life. They are the non-negotiables, the principles we hold dear, no matter the circumstance. Living in accordance with these values provides a sense of stability and integrity, which is crucial for overall well-being. It is very important to take time to assess your core values; a good sign is to notice the things that bother you. The things that make you feel complete and whole. I’ve often seen situations where clients are in conflict and get very positional about an issue, only to relent when we identify that this is a core value they hold, but it's not also a core value for the other person. Knowing your core values will help you rationalize many things that upset you in life.

Intrinsic Values and Internal Satisfaction

Intrinsic values, such as personal growth, creativity, or kindness, are rewarding in and of themselves. They are not pursued for external rewards but for the internal satisfaction they bring. Engaging in activities that align with our intrinsic values brings joy, contentment, and a sense of self-actualization. Practicing intrinsic values is a great way to engage with others and fine your tribe.

Social Values and Our Connection to Society

Our social values reflect how we relate to society at large. They influence our interactions, our contributions to the community, and our sense of social responsibility. Upholding social values like equality, justice, and community service can enhance our sense of belonging and purpose, contributing to social well-being. They also help us to develop a sense of belonging and find new ways to engage with others.

Social Values and Our Connection to Society

Family Values and Relational Well-being

Family values shape our family dynamics, traditions, and relationships. These values, such as love, respect, and support, are pivotal in building strong, nurturing family bonds. When family values are shared and respected, they foster a sense of security and belonging, which is essential for emotional well-being. Some family values may include things like mealtime, quality time, fun, outdoor activities, or even religious activities. These serve to keep family members close, loving, and united, thus making it easier to maintain a bond and family unity.

Values, in their various forms, play an integral role in our well-being. They provide a framework for living a life that is both successful on the outside and fulfilling and meaningful on the inside. Understanding and aligning our actions with our values pave the way for a well-balanced, satisfying life. As we grow and evolve, so may our values, and it’s important to regularly reflect on them to ensure they continue to serve our well-being in the best way possible.

Take Action Now!

Take some time to write down your core values today! Think of the things that really upset or bother you, which will lead you to your values, which often is the opposite.

To Your Wellness,

About the author

Joyce Odidison is a Coach, Mediator, Facilitator, Keynote Speaker, and Thought Leader of the groundbreaking Well-being Intelligence Curriculum. With a career spanning over 27 years as a Conflict Analyst, Professional Trainer, University Lecturer, and Master Certified Coach, Joyce helps organizations solve difficult challenges and transition into psychologically safe workspaces that promotes inclusiveness and well-being. As President and CEO of Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc., she has designed transformative training sessions and curricula for her clients, as well as some offered exclusively through her company, such as the Global Workplace Wellness Summit and an ICF Approved Coach Training program. She can be reached at

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