October 27, 2023

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Living Well in an Age of Distraction: A Guide to True Well-being

In a world increasingly defined by short-term pleasures and superficial interactions, living well has become more of an aspiration than a reality for many. It's no surprise that we often equate living well with the carefully curated images we see on social media. But as we all know, a life truly lived well goes beyond snapshots of glamorous moments.

The essence of living well intertwines with notions of life well-being, life wellness, self-care, human intelligence, healthy relationships, sound decision-making, vibrant thoughts, and robust self-esteem. Let’s break down what each of these areas means and how they contribute to a life well-lived.

Life Well-being and Life Wellness:

Mental Well-being: Taking time for introspection, practicing mindfulness, and seeking therapy or counseling when needed can help maintain mental equilibrium.

Physical Wellness: Eating nutrition-rich foods, prioritizing sleep, and regular exercise keeps our bodies functioning at their best.

Emotional Well-being: Recognizing, understanding, and managing our emotions can lead to better relationships and a more fulfilling life.

Self Care


Nurturing ourselves isn’t about indulgence but about making sure we're mentally, emotionally, and physically equipped to handle life’s challenges. This means setting boundaries, finding hobbies, and prioritizing our needs.

Human Intelligence:

Continuous learning and personal development not only keep our minds sharp but also contribute to our understanding of the world and our place within it. Embrace every opportunity to learn.

Healthy Relationships:

Relationships form the backbone of a well-lived life. Invest time and effort in nurturing bonds with family, friends, and partners. Prioritize open communication, trust, and respect in every interaction.

Good Decision-making

Good Decision-making:

With every choice we make, we shape our future. By being conscious of the consequences of our actions, we can make decisions that align with our long-term well-being.

Healthy Thoughts:

Our mindset is a powerful determinant of our reality. Surround yourself with positive influences and regularly challenge negative self-talk.


Believe in your worth. Every individual has something unique to offer the world. Recognize your strengths, work on your weaknesses, and always be your biggest cheerleader.

Reflecting on Past Generations:

As mentioned, previous generations, like our parents, often had an inherent understanding of the importance of proactive well-being. Their giving of cod liver oil wasn't about addressing a visible problem, but about ensuring robust health in the future. They understood that prevention was better than cure.

In today's fast-paced world, we often react to problems rather than preventing them. But the mantra of living well is rooted in prevention and proactive care.

Living well is about more than just fleeting moments of happiness. It's about creating a holistic approach to life that considers every aspect of human existence. It’s about recognizing our responsibilities to ourselves and to the world around us. In an age where distractions are many and guidance is scarce, let’s make a conscious effort to prioritize our well-being and truly live well.

If you are looking for tips to live well, join the Vibrant Live Coaching Program and get the life coaching support to live your best live your best life now. Book a 30 minute coaching discovery session. Book Now

To Your Wellness,

About the author

Joyce Odidison is a Coach, Mediator, Facilitator, Keynote Speaker, and Thought Leader of the groundbreaking Well-being Intelligence Curriculum. With a career spanning over 27 years as a Conflict Analyst, Professional Trainer, University Lecturer, and Master Certified Coach, Joyce helps organizations solve difficult challenges and transition into psychologically safe workspaces that promotes inclusiveness and well-being. As President and CEO of Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc., she has designed transformative training sessions and curricula for her clients, as well as some offered exclusively through her company, such as the Global Workplace Wellness Summit and an ICF Approved Coach Training program. She can be reached at https://interpersonalwellness.com

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