April 12, 2022

Identifying and Preventing Burnout at Work with the WIS® Framework

Staying Well at Work is not easy with all that has to be done it seems like there is always more that can be done.

The realities of the coronavirus have exacerbated the need for a more robust mental health strategy at work that incorporates the whole life realities of employees.


Identifying early signs of burnout at work is essential to helping employees pivot and change what they are doing before it gets worst. Our wellness framework WIS® is a whole person systems-based perspective model that creates awareness of a broad range of areas where employees could be leaking vital energy that may lead to burnout and overwhelm. It also allows users to assess how well they are in nine wellness dimensions by providing an engaging visual model to enhance engagement, and an immediate score they can take action to change on their own or with assistance from wellness coaches.

I’m excited that our inclusive tools and framework opened the door to partner with Miami University, to complete the Ohio State-funded Staff Wellness pilot project with up to 75 school workspaces across the State. The program's goal is to improve mental health and psychological safety at work. Preliminary results from this project will be shared at the upcoming annual Global Workplace Wellness Summit, which brings together professionals from around the globe to share best practices in the field.

The Global Workplace Wellness Summit offers a range of opportunities to engage with the WIS® models and teachings as part of the learnings hundreds of professionals will take back to their organizations. This year, the Summit will take place in the city of Winnipeg, MB. Canada September 28 – 29, 2022.

Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc. (IWS Inc.) is a learning and development company based in Canada since 1997, a North American leader in customized corporate training, coaching, and development for well-being at work. The company hosts the annual Global Workplace Wellness Summit and publishes Faces of Workplace Wellness quarterly magazine. IWS Inc. is owned and led by Joyce Odidison and a diverse team of professionals. The company will continue to expand our ability to support more organizations wanting to redefine wellness at work globally.

To learn more about the Staff Wellness initiative call 204 668-5283.

Visit our website:  old.interpersonalwellness.com.

Media Contact:
Joyce Odidison,
Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc.

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