Case Studies
IWS - leading well-being transformation in workplaces for decades.
Case Study Page Design Leading Transformation at work for 26 Years
See how we innovated with clients drive success backed by research and human sciences.
Case Studies

Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc. (IWS) has had a long standing service record for providing comprehensive workplace wellness solutions through Health Canada’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and health plans.
Employee Results Case Study
Both Jane and her employees expressed high levels of satisfaction with the coaching results, and Jane was particularly grateful for the opportunity to improve her skills through coaching.
Jack successfully lowered his Well-being risks by five points and demonstrated significant improvement as a team leader.
Noah achieved his goal of enhancing his interpersonal skills and communication.
The cases identified below are meant to give the reader an accurate understanding of IWS innovative consulting and coaching results. The cases reflect an overview of our work without violating our confidentiality agreement with our clients. This is why we do not identify organizations by name. The names have been changed to protect the identity of our clients in the following case studies.
Over 26 years of serving clients
Our customers love working with us.
We believe the well-being of your people is key to your success and we partner with clients to transform mindset, behavior, and maximize results.