March 5, 2024

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8 Essential Tips for Building Resilient Relationships

Relationships are the cornerstone of our emotional well-being, providing us with support, joy, and companionship. However, they require effort, understanding, and resilience to thrive and endure life's ups and downs.

When we fail at our relationships, it feels awful, and we wonder why, but sometimes, we don’t have the right strategies to grow and improve. Having the right tools makes all the difference.

Here are eight invaluable tips to help you build and maintain resilient relationships:

1. Define Your Relationship Criteria

Understanding what you value in relationships is crucial. Creating a list of criteria helps you identify the traits you desire in those you choose to be close to, whether they're honesty, empathy, humour, or reliability. This clarity can guide you in choosing compatible companions and nurturing relationships that enrich your life.

2. Establish Healthy Boundaries

Boundaries are vital for any healthy relationship. They help you clearly communicate your needs and expectations, preventing misunderstandings and resentment. Setting and respecting boundaries ensures that both parties feel valued and understood, fostering a stronger, more resilient bond.

3. Embrace Mutual Learning

Every relationship offers unique opportunities for growth and learning. Staying open to the perspectives and experiences of others enriches your understanding and appreciation of them. This mutual exchange deepens your connection and helps you navigate challenges together with empathy and insight.

4. Invest Your Time and Attention

Relationships flourish with nurturing. Prioritizing time for each other, offering your undivided attention, and sharing experiences strengthens your bond. Remember, investing in your relationships is not about the quantity of time but the quality of your interactions.

Tips to build resilient relationships

5. Appreciate Life's Lessons

People enter our lives for a reason, often teaching us valuable lessons, even through difficult experiences. Embracing this perspective can help you appreciate the role each person plays in your personal growth, making your relationships more meaningful and resilient. It will also help you forgive them when the teaching is painful, shameful or unpleasant.

6. Let Go of Grudges

Holding onto anger or resentment only poisons your well-being and strains your relationships. Practicing forgiveness and addressing issues constructively can liberate you from negative emotions and pave the way for healing and stronger connections. It will also help you to grow and learn.

7. Maintain Regular Contact

Time has a way of slipping by unnoticed. Regularly reaching out to loved ones, sharing experiences, and expressing care strengthens your bond. In today's busy world, a simple message or call can mean a lot and help maintain a resilient connection. We can also leave voice messages and send notes to say we care and are thinking about them. Nothing more touching than getting a message saying you are loved and cared for.

8. Avoid Keeping Score

Healthy relationships are not transactions; they are partnerships. Avoid tallying favours or grievances, which can lead to bitterness and imbalance. Instead, focus on nurturing a supportive and equitable dynamic where both parties feel valued and appreciated. Scorekeeping sets a competitive element to your relationships, leading to further disputes, blame, and resentment.

Building resilient relationships is a dynamic and ongoing process. By incorporating these eight tips into your life, you can cultivate deeper, more meaningful connections that withstand the test of time. Remember, the effort you invest in your relationships enhances your bond with others and enriches your life with joy, support, and companionship.

Question to Ponder

Do you need to make changes in an important relationship right now?

Action Steps

Assess your relationships to see if there is an area where you may apply one of the eight steps above in the next 7 days.

To Your Wellness,

About the author

Joyce Odidison is a pioneer and Thought Leader of the groundbreaking Wellness Improvement System and Well-being Intelligence Curriculum. With a career spanning over two decades as a Conflict Analyst, Professional Trainer, University Lecturer, and Master Certified Coach, Joyce remains dedicated to learning and development. As President and CEO of Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc., she has designed and created many life changing programs such as the first ICF Approved Wellness Coach Training program, the Global Workplace Wellness Summit, and the Wellness Competency Academy that provides well-being training and coaching for professionals and their families. She continues to provide well-being training solutions and support for EAP plans, HR, Benefit Plans, Health care professionals, Coaches, Consultants and individuals looking to identify and mitigate their well-being risks.

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