Now Available Everywhere

Optimal Well-being

Tap into your Optimal Success, Happiness, and Fulfillment in your Professional and Personal life.

Gain access to the Optimal Well-being Curriculum of 100+ transformational programs a low monthly fee when you become a Member of Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc.

Get unlimited access to the world's best programs, and awaken greatness in every dimension of your life

32.8 hours


Start Today


Want optimal whole person well-being support, training and coaching?

Do you ever feel you’re not earning and achieving at your fullest potential?

When you’re given an opportunity to earn or achieve more, do you sometimes feel a block or voice of doubt coming from within?

And when it comes to money, do you ever struggle with feelings of unworthiness, fear, self-sabotage, or even the idea that money is bad?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re most likely dealing with what is known as ‘Abundance Blocks’.

Abundance Blocks, according to acclaimed energy healer Christie Marie Sheldon, are pieces of subconscious and energetic programming that quietly sabotage your ability to attract and retain wealth.

There are 24 of them, and they could come from anywhere - like your parents, your friends, your mentors and role models, or even the media. And left unchecked, they’ll stick with you for life!

With Christie herself as your guide, the Unlimited Abundance program takes you through the process of finding and releasing your Abundance Blocks - so you can finally call in the prosperity you want and deserve.





How To Permanently Release Your Abundance Blocks

Removing your Abundance Blocks is not something you can do alone. Because even if you know exactly what they are, and even if you make a conscious decision to break free from them…

Your existing energetic frequency and subconscious thought patterns will always, always pull you back to them. Back to square one, back to the same subconscious limiting beliefs and behaviors.

That’s why the key to liberating yourself from them is to go to the source: the part of your personal energetic field known as your Abundance Frequency.

And that’s where Christie Marie Sheldon comes in. Using her unique gift for tapping into people’s energy fields, she has created a series of remarkably effective techniques for accessing your Abundance Frequency - and systematically removing all the blockages holding it down.

The Curriculum

Explore The Unlimited Abundance Curriculum

The Unlimited Abundance program is an online energy clearing experience designed to erase each of your Abundance Blocks, one after the other. Through a series of immersive audio recordings, Christie will tap into your energetic frequency, access your subconscious mind, and liberate you from each of your Abundance Blocks. The program is designed to give you the same transformation you’d experience through one-on-one energy clearing sessions with Christie, a Master Energy Healer - but at a fraction of the price, and at your own comfortable pace.

Available on your Personal Computer, Tablet, Smartphone & Apple TV

There Are 24 Abundance Blocks Holding You Back – And 24 Audio Sessions That Focus On Eliminating Each Specific Block

Your journey begins with the Abundance Block Diagnosis Test: an online self-assessment process that simulates a one-on-one session with Christie. Just answer a series of simple questions, and you’ll be advised on which Abundance Blocks to work on first. Each Energy Clearing session comes with a PDF manual and will help eliminate each of your Abundance Blocks, one after the other. You’ll experience a powerful and immersive process which taps into your energetic frequency, accesses your subconscious mind, and liberates you from a specific abundance block.

Day by Day Schedule

Week 1

Day 1

Clearing Resistance

Day 1

Clearing Resistance

Day 1

Clearing Resistance

Day 1

Clearing Resistance

Day 1

Clearing Resistance

Day 1

Clearing Resistance

Day 1

Clearing Resistance

Week 2

Day 1

Clearing Resistance

Day 1

Clearing Resistance

Day 1

Clearing Resistance

Day 1

Clearing Resistance

Day 1

Clearing Resistance

Day 1

Clearing Resistance

Day 1

Clearing Resistance

Week 3

Day 1

Clearing Resistance

Day 1

Clearing Resistance

Day 1

Clearing Resistance

Day 1

Clearing Resistance

Day 1

Clearing Resistance

Day 1

Clearing Resistance

Day 1

Clearing Resistance

Week 4

Day 1

Clearing Resistance

Day 1

Clearing Resistance

Day 1

Clearing Resistance

Bonus Included When You Join Today

Bonus #1:

Energy Clearing Session: Clearing Past Beliefs

In this eye-opening bonus session with Christie, you’ll explore and root out the subconscious beliefs from your past that may be the root cause behind some of your most damaging Abundance Blocks. When left unaddressed, these issues could cost you millions of dollars over your lifetime - which is why Christie will show you exactly how they’re causing automatic negative responses in you towards financial and career success. Then, she’ll pinpoint the experiences, events, and people that have influenced your most dominant emotion towards abundance.

Bonus #1:

Energy Clearing Session: Clearing Past Beliefs

In this eye-opening bonus session with Christie, you’ll explore and root out the subconscious beliefs from your past that may be the root cause behind some of your most damaging Abundance Blocks. When left unaddressed, these issues could cost you millions of dollars over your lifetime - which is why Christie will show you exactly how they’re causing automatic negative responses in you towards financial and career success. Then, she’ll pinpoint the experiences, events, and people that have influenced your most dominant emotion towards abundance.

Bonus #1:

Energy Clearing Session: Clearing Past Beliefs

In this eye-opening bonus session with Christie, you’ll explore and root out the subconscious beliefs from your past that may be the root cause behind some of your most damaging Abundance Blocks. When left unaddressed, these issues could cost you millions of dollars over your lifetime - which is why Christie will show you exactly how they’re causing automatic negative responses in you towards financial and career success. Then, she’ll pinpoint the experiences, events, and people that have influenced your most dominant emotion towards abundance.

Christie Marie Sheldon, Creator of Unlimited Abundance

Christie Marie Sheldon is a globally renowned energy healer, intuitive life coach, author, and one of Mindvalley’s most in-demand transformational teachers.

Christie has a unique gift for reading and working with energy - which she has harnessed for the past two decades to help countless people eliminate their energy blocks, raise their vibrations, and manifest their ideal realities.

Christie regularly speaks in the media and on stages, and has conducted over 30,000 private consultations for clients - many of whom are renowned political and business leaders.

Christie’s mission is to energetically empower people to live the ideal, abundant and stress-free lives they desire.

The Unlimited Abundance program focuses her gifts on wealth: one of the most common and urgent areas of life that people often struggle with as a result of unresolved energetic and subconscious blocks.

Trainer Credentials

  • Christie first discovered her gift as a child. For the past 20 years, she has performed energy work on clients from all walks of life.
  • Christie first discovered her gift as a child. For the past 20 years, she has performed energy work on clients from all walks of life.
  • Christie first discovered her gift as a child. For the past 20 years, she has performed energy work on clients from all walks of life.

With over 15 years of experience, Christie has conducted over 30,000 private consultations for her clients.

A community-favorite, Christie Marie Sheldon’s has over 900,000 Mindvalley Students.

Susan Dawson


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolo

John Collins


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut ax ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolo

Jenny Roberts


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolo

Transform the way you learn with Mindvalley Membership

Become a Mindvalley Member and get Mindvalley’s entire learning platform at your fingertips. But that’s not all: you also get the clarity and tools to design a curriculum that’s hyper-personalized to you and your unique goals in all areas of life. This puts you in the driver’s seat of your own self-evolution. And gives you the freedom to define what greatness means to you.

Your life-changing transformation begins with Mindvalley Membership

As a Mindvalley Member, you get access to Unlimited Abundance - plus extraordinary transformation for every dimension of your life.

In addition to clearing your abundance blocks, level up your career, wealth, health, relationships, and more with Mindvalley’s full curriculum of best-in-class programs:

Each one powered by the world’s best teachers.

Leading-edge learning tools and technology.

And the most passionate personal growth community on the planet.

Mindvalley Membership gives you everything you need to awaken your greatness. And become a better you every day.

What’s included in your Mindvalley Membership

Mindvalley Curriculum

100+ programs for all areas of your life

Mindvalley Curriculum

100+ programs for all areas of your life

Mindvalley Curriculum

100+ programs for all areas of your life

Mindvalley Curriculum

100+ programs for all areas of your life

Here’s what your personal growth path could look like...

After Unlimited Abundance, continue your transformation with Mindvalley’s other mind empowerment programs:


Gain freedom from your Abundance Blocks, and awaken a life of prosperity with:


Rewire your mind and your life for abundance with:


Harness your mind to bend reality in your favor with:

Unlimited Abundance

Christie Marie Sheldon

Take a fascinating journey into your personal energetic blueprint, and discover what’s really holding you back from greater wealth and abundance in this program with gifted energy healer Christie Marie Sheldon. You’ll experience Christie’s acclaimed method for clearing your abundance blocks as she energetically removes your disempowering patterns and beliefs - and rewires you to manifest the lifelong prosperity you deserve.

Unlimited Abundance

Christie Marie Sheldon

Take a fascinating journey into your personal energetic blueprint, and discover what’s really holding you back from greater wealth and abundance in this program with gifted energy healer Christie Marie Sheldon. You’ll experience Christie’s acclaimed method for clearing your abundance blocks as she energetically removes your disempowering patterns and beliefs - and rewires you to manifest the lifelong prosperity you deserve.

Unlimited Abundance

Christie Marie Sheldon

Take a fascinating journey into your personal energetic blueprint, and discover what’s really holding you back from greater wealth and abundance in this program with gifted energy healer Christie Marie Sheldon. You’ll experience Christie’s acclaimed method for clearing your abundance blocks as she energetically removes your disempowering patterns and beliefs - and rewires you to manifest the lifelong prosperity you deserve.

The impact of your all-around transformation

Extraordinary things happen when you start leveling up every area of your life with Mindvalley Membership:

  • You instantly develop the habits of super performers 
    When you read a book or study a course, you’re often left with a ‘temporary high’ that evaporates over time. Mindvalley transforms you permanently through leading-edge behavioral change tools that install uplifting habits, beliefs, and emotional patterns in you: so peak performance, glowing health, unshakable peace, and boundless joy become your default.
  • You achieve superhuman productivity of mind, body & soul
    Whatever you’re looking to achieve or become, Mindvalley supports you from all angles. Go far beyond basic productivity hacks, and master cutting-edge mindset tools, flow states, deeper levels of consciousness, and even spiritual tools that revolutionize how you feel, think, show up, solve challenges, and get things done.
  • You grow and thrive in every dimension of life that matters                                              How many people are rich and successful, but sick? Or fit and full of life, but broke? With Mindvalley, you don’t need to sacrifice one area of life for another. Because you get best-in-class tools and guidance to ignite your brilliance every dimension. So you can be a superhero at work. Look like one too. Be one to your kids, family, and even the world. And truly have it all.  

The transformation you will experience

Susan Dawson


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolo

John Collins


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut ax ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolo

Jenny Roberts


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolo

Susan Dawson


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolo

John Collins


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut ax ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolo

Jenny Roberts


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolo

Try it for 15 days risk free

Remember you don’t have to say YES right now. You only have to say MAYBE. Go through the materials for 15 days risk-free from the day of purchase.

You can refund yourself anytime with one click. No emails, no phone calls, no hassle. Just reach out through our Refund Page and get a full, friendly and fast refund. No questions asked.

Become a Mindvalley member now, and begin your transformational journey

What you get:

  • Full access to this program and all of the bonuses
  • Full access to Mindvalley’s entire curriculum of best-in-class programs for transforming every dimension of your life.
  • Weekly Mindvalley Live sessions featuring today’s biggest trainers, bestselling authors, and celebrities.
  • Full access to this program and all of the bonuses
  • Full access to this program and all of the bonuses
Choose Your Preferred Mindvalley Membership Plan

Pricing Plans

Pay once




Here’s What Your Fellow Attendees Have Asked Before Clicking Sign up.

1. What is the Well-being Challenge?

The Well-being Challenge is a unique program designed to enhance your overall well-being. It's based on a research-backed, nine-dimensional well-being model that covers various aspects of life. This challenge is not just about learning; it's about transforming your life by developing key skills and competencies in well-being. It runs through December till January 9, 2024.

2. What is the nine-dimensional framework of well-being?

The nine-dimensional framework is a holistic approach to well-being, encompassing Emotional, Physical, Mental, Social, Spiritual, Environmental, Professional, Financial, and Life Purpose dimensions. This comprehensive model ensures that all aspects of your life are addressed for a balanced and fulfilling existence.

3. Who can benefit from the Well-being Challenge?

Anyone looking to improve their quality of life can benefit from this challenge. It's suitable for individuals of all ages and backgrounds, regardless of their current well-being status.

4. How long does the Well-being Challenge last?

The duration of the Well-being Challenge is from December 5, 2023 – January 9, 2024. Anyone can join the challenge at anytime during this time frame. It is designed to be a manageable commitment that fits into your daily life. The flexibility of the program allows you to progress at a pace that suits your schedule and needs with access to one learning event per day.

5. Is there any cost to participate in the Well-being Challenge?

The basic version of the Well-being Challenge is offered free of charge, ensuring that everyone has access to this life-changing program. Optional upgrades for additional resources or personalized coaching are available for those who wish to deepen their journey.

6. How are the key competencies in well-being taught in this challenge?

The competencies are taught through a mix of interactive content, practical exercises, coaching. and reflective sessions. The program employs a variety of learning methods to cater to different styles and preferences, ensuring a comprehensive and effective learning experience.

7. Can the Well-being Challenge help with specific issues like stress or anxiety?

Absolutely. The program includes strategies and tools specifically designed to address common issues such as stress and anxiety. Participants learn to apply these skills in their daily lives for immediate and long-term benefits.

8. What kind of support can participants expect during the Well-being Challenge?

Participants can expect a supportive and engaging community, along with guidance from experienced facilitators. The program includes coaching forums, Q&A sessions, and potential one-on-one support, depending on the chosen package.

9. How is the Well-being Challenge delivered?

The Well-being Challenge is primarily delivered online, allowing participants to access the content from anywhere at any time. This flexible format makes it easy to integrate the program into your daily routine.

10. What outcomes can participants expect from completing the Well-being Challenge?

Participants can expect to see significant improvements in their overall well-being, including enhanced emotional intelligence, better stress management, improved relationships, and a stronger sense of purpose and fulfillment in life. The skills and competencies learned are practical and applicable, leading to tangible changes in one’s life.