Corporate Wellness Improvement System® (WIS®) Assessment Report

Prepared For

Number of Employees: 860
Date: October 18, 2024

Workplace Report Summary and Overview

How WIS® Assessment Works

The WIS® Assessment measures 27 psychosocial categories that combine 9 dimensions and 12 well-being competencies. They reflect Leadership, Team, and Individual well-being, providing insight on Resilience, Agility, Relational and System path to thriving and well-being.

YOUR Results

Average WIS Profile Score: 0.0
Average WIS Profile Score: 0.0

Spiritual Well-being

Average: 0.0

Social Well-being

Average: 0.0

Emotional Well-being

Average: 0.0

Occupational Well-being

Average: 0.0

Intellectual Well-being

Average: 0.0

Environmental Well-being

Average: 0.0

Financial Well-being

Average: 0.0

Physical Well-being

Average: 0.0

Interpersonal Well-being

Average: 0.0

Spiritual Dimension


Average: 0.0


Average: 0.0

Social Dimension

Responsible Communication

Average: 0.0


Average: 0.0

Emotional Dimension


Average: 0.0
Average: 0.0

Occupational Dimension


Average: 0.0
Average: 0.0

Intellectual Dimension

Capacity Building

Average: 0.0
Average: 0.0

Environmental Dimension


Average: 0.0
Average: 0.0

Financial Dimension


Average: 0.0
Average: 0.0

Physical Dimension


Average: 0.0
Average: 0.0

Interpersonal Dimension


Average: 0.0
Average: 0.0


Average: 0.0
Average: 0.0


The WIS® Assessment measures risks to employees' well-being, covering nine dimensions, twelve well-being competencies and delivers a detailed wellness score, level, profile analysis, and risks to the organization and employee well-being.

It pinpoints areas for enhancement, proposing specific, targeted solutions to mitigate these risks. This proactive approach aids in averting potential high costs and guides investment in well-being priorities.

Employees also gain valuable insights into their wellness, receiving guidance on personal improvements to boost their scores. This process not only supports personal development but also aligns it with organizational strategies, enhancing overall well-being and mitigating risks effectively. The benefits of this process ensure that personal growth is fostered and in strategic alignment with your corporate interventions.

About the Report

Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc. leads the way with the world's first comprehensive Well-being Intelligence Curriculum™, designed to elevate and enrich workplace health and performance. Our groundbreaking approach to wellness improvement integrates identifying well-being risks and targeting competencies and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to revolutionize how organizations approach employee training and performance development.

WIS® Assessment

The WIS® Assessment is a holistic wellness assessment that explores risks to users’ well-being and alerts them where they need to take proactive steps. Users receive a comprehensive report on improving their well-being in alignment with core well-being competencies. WIS® is the most comprehensive wellness assessment and the only one that recognizes and assesses the interpersonal dimension as vital to human well-being and thriving as part of its nine-dimensional instrument.

Compelling Reasons for WIS® Assessment

Because humans are complex systems of interconnected dimensions, when one aspect of our lives falters, it drains energy from our entire life system, potentially leading to burnout, overwhelm, and anxiety. This diminishes our resilience, mental health, and amplifies other risks to our well-being.
Identifying where your energy is being lost helps you regain vitality and thrive across all dimensions of life. Moving beyond traditional solutions for mental health, WIS® offers a comprehensive evaluation of risks to your well-being that can impact mental health.
The WIS® Assessment amplifies awareness of risks to well-being by showing how actions and choices we may be unaware of contribute to this risk. Designed to spotlight these vulnerabilities, the WIS® Assessment empowers us to take effective, restorative actions or consciously accept the consequences.

What sets WIS® Assessment apart is its emphasis on the interpersonal dimension, which is how we relate to ourselves and others. This crucial aspect of well-being often overlooked is central to our ability to flourish. WIS demonstrates that every interpersonal exchange emanates an energy that can impact others positively or negatively.

What WIS® Measures

WIS® Assessment measures nine dimensions, 12 competencies, and 27 psychosocial spheres. It provides information on your team well-being in relation, connection, stamina, resilience, spirit, and wisdom. It also measures wellness score range, wellness level, profile, and well-being competency alignment. These are presented as easy-to-understand charts, graphs, and numerical scores.
WIS® Assessment provides a global standard for holistic human development capacity for well-being. It benchmarks what makes humans thrive, setting new standards for well-being in all nine dimensions of life.

Report Findings

This report is a compilation of your employee group assessment that displays the dimensions and competencies where they are thriving and those where you can reduce your corporate well-being risks.

The following charts and graphs show how your group is trending on the nine levels of wellness. It also provides an aggregate score for the competencies to benchmark their current path to well-being. This will indicate optimizing employee engagement to build resilience and enhance performance and work efficiency.

Accuracy of the WIS Report

Please remember that the competency analysis in the WIS® Assessment report only reflects the employee's current well-being risks and opportunities. Developing the associated competencies can improve these results.

The report also highlights the team WIS® profile, which captures their well-being risks in all nine life dimensions and twelve competencies to show their path toward well-being.

Identifying and Reporting Risks to Well-being

Each score, ranging from 1 to 10, is accompanied by a descriptive label denoting the level of competency alignment with a wellness range in that dimension. A wellness level below 5 indicates the need for increased attention to mitigate well-being risks. Consequently, the potential for competency development and further alignment is deemed "moderate to high."

While there are some concerns within the 6- 7 score range, a closer examination is advised to determine the next steps for the employee's growth. The competency development opportunity is described as "Moderate."

Scores ranging from 8 to 9 indicate overall satisfaction and minimal issues within the area. The opportunity for competency improvement is classified as "Low." The aim is to highlight opportunities to enhance the employee's overall life satisfaction and reduce well-being risks.

Risks to Well-being Related to the Dimensions of Wellness

The results will show a numeric wellness score range, the level of wellness associated with it, the wellness profile, and the well-being competency analysis that informs how much competency alignment they have in this area.
As seen below, there are eight wellness levels, some of which correspond to one or two well-being competencies and one of the nine dimensions of wellness.

Your enclosed graphs and charts will identify a level of wellness and a numeric score for your team to help assess your well-being risk level.

Interpreting Your Well-being Report 

This document will explain the well-being report, providing a deeper understanding of the various competencies and dimensions of well-being. It breaks down the levels of wellness associated with each competency, as gauged by the numerical scores. This detailed overview will offer valuable insights into how best to address and support strategic well-being needs in the present and future.

Well-being Dimension Profile Score Range – Wellness Levels

Wellness Competency Profile - Interpretation

Wellness Level 8

Score Range: 9 – 10

Optimal Wellness – Congratulations!

Your organization’s well-being risk is very low. Achieving Optimal Wellness: A Milestone Worth Celebrating.

Your organization has reached a remarkable milestone, with well-being risk at a very low level, indicating that your employees have reached the pinnacle of wellness. This achievement is a testament to individual efforts and reflects a high level of competency alignment within your team, contributing to an atmosphere brimming with vibrant energy. This positive environment undoubtedly enhances both personal lives and professional achievements.

Celebrating and Advancing Wellness Success:

  • Acknowledge and Celebrate: First and foremost, take the time to celebrate this significant achievement. Organize a special event or gathering that honours your employees' dedication and hard work. Acknowledgement can also be personalized through awards, recognition in company communications, or even wellness incentives.
  • Reflect on the Journey: Encourage sharing personal stories and reflections on the wellness journey. This strengthens team bonds and highlights the diverse paths to achieving wellness, offering inspiration and insights to others.
  • Set New Wellness Horizons: While celebrating current achievements, it's also the perfect time to look ahead. Explore new areas of wellness expertise that your team can delve into. This could involve advanced wellness practices, leadership in wellness advocacy, or even mentoring others on their wellness journeys.
  • Continuous Learning and Growth: Consider implementing workshops, seminars, or retreats focusing on emerging wellness trends or deeper aspects of well-being. Encouraging continuous education and exploration in wellness keeps the momentum going and ensures that your team remains at the forefront of wellness innovation.
  • Re-evaluate and Expand Goals: Set aside time to reevaluate and expand wellness goals to incorporate new challenges and opportunities for growth. This could mean setting personal and collective goals beyond the workplace and fostering a culture of holistic well-being.
  • Document and Share Success: Compile and share your organization’s wellness success stories internally and, if appropriate, externally. This serves as a motivational tool within the organization and can inspire other organizations to prioritize wellness.

Achieving optimal wellness is a remarkable feat that speaks volumes about your organization's values, culture, and commitment to employee well-being. As you celebrate this success, remember that the journey to well-being at work is ongoing. Embracing new challenges and continuously striving for growth ensures that your organization remains a vibrant, energizing place to work, setting a standard for others to follow.

Wellness Level 7
Score Range: 8 – 9

Success Wellness

Your organization’s well-being risk is low. A Path of Continuous Improvement.

Your organization stands out with a low well-being risk, a testament to your team's mastery of wellness and ability to uplift each other with positivity and energy.

This level of success is commendable and deserves recognition. However, it's crucial to maintain this momentum by acknowledging their strengths and pinpointing opportunities for even further growth. The pursuit of wellness is a perpetual journey that thrives on continuous self-improvement and adaptation.

Strategies for Sustained Success and Growth:

  • Celebrate Achievements: Take a moment to celebrate your team's wellness achievements. Recognition can come in many forms, from public acknowledgments in meetings to written commendations or small celebrations.
  • Conduct a Comprehensive Review: While your team thrives, there's always room for improvement. Engage in a thorough review to identify areas where wellness practices can be enhanced or expanded.
  • Set New Objectives: Using insights from your review, set new, challenging, yet achievable goals. These should aim to maintain your current success while pushing the boundaries to explore new wellness dimensions.
  • Implement a Plan for Growth: Develop a targeted action plan to address these new objectives. Tailor your strategies to meet these goals, whether it's integrating advanced wellness workshops, exploring new fitness challenges, or enhancing mental health support.
  • Plan for Reassessment: Set a 90-day timeline to reassess your strategies and progress. This short-term check-in will allow you to adjust your approach based on feedback and evolving needs, ensuring your wellness initiatives remain effective and responsive.
  • Embrace the Well-being Journey: Encourage your team to view wellness as ongoing. Foster an environment where continuous improvement is valued, and each individual feels supported in achieving personal and collective wellness goals.

By recognizing your team's current success and planning for future growth, you're celebrating their achievements and reinforcing a culture of wellness that can adapt and thrive over time. This proactive approach ensures your organization remains a place where well-being is not just achieved but continually enhanced.

Wellness Level 6
Score Range: 7 – 8

Achieved Wellness

Strong Foundations!

Thanks to the solid wellness foundation established by your team, your organization is in an enviable position with a moderately low well-being risk.

However, the path to excellence is one of continuous improvement. Now is the perfect time to identify areas within your team's life and work balance that could benefit from further enhancement and to set ambitious goals to elevate your collective well-being to new peaks. Your journey toward achieving optimal wellness is progressing impressively!

Steps for Continued Growth:

  • Assess and Identify Growth Areas: Conduct a thorough evaluation to discover aspects of your team's wellness that are ripe for development. This could involve mental resilience, physical health, or work-life balance.
  • Set Specific, Achievable Goals: With these areas in mind, craft clear and attainable goals to guide your team toward higher wellness levels. Ensure these objectives are measurable and time-bound to track progress effectively.
  • Implement Targeted Strategies: Develop and deploy tailored strategies aimed at these specific goals. Whether you incorporate mindfulness practices, enhance physical fitness programs, or improve nutritional habits, choose actions that align with your identified needs.
  • Celebrate Milestones and Reflect: As you reach each goal, take the time to celebrate these milestones. Reflecting on the progress not only boosts morale but also provides valuable insights into how future initiatives can be adjusted for greater success.

Your organization's commitment to well-being is commendable. With this proactive approach to seeking out and acting on opportunities for growth, you'll continue to build a healthier, more resilient, and more satisfied team. The journey to optimal wellness is ongoing, and with each step, you're creating a more vibrant and thriving work environment.

Wellness Level 5
Score Range: 6 – 7

Moderate Wellness

Addressing the Decline in Organizational Wellness with Strategic Care.

Your organization's well-being is currently facing a downward trend, indicating a significant risk to your team's overall health and morale. This critical juncture demands a recalibration of your team's wellness strategies, focusing on realigning with fundamental principles of well-being. To navigate this challenge, initiating small but meaningful changes is key for setting the stage for a more profound alignment with wellness competencies.

Strategic Action Plan:

  • Identify Key Adjustments: Pinpoint straightforward changes that can significantly enhance everyday well-being. Consider introducing flexible work schedules, promoting physical activity breaks, or implementing stress-reduction resources.
  • Focus on a Core Wellness Competency: Choose a primary well-being skill to cultivate across your team. This could be emotional resilience, effective communication, or mindfulness. Training and resources in this area can fortify your team's wellness foundation.
  • Take Step-by-Step Actions: Develop a phased approach to integrate the selected competency into your team's routine. Start with introducing the concept in a team meeting, followed by weekly focus activities and support groups or buddy systems for practice and encouragement.
  • Evaluate and Iterate: Regularly assess the impact of these initiatives through feedback surveys or wellness check-ins. Use this data to fine-tune your strategies, ensuring they remain responsive to your team's evolving needs.

Wellness Level 4
Score Range: 5 – 6

Borderline Wellness

 A Call for Strategic Rebalance.

Your organization's well-being is on the brink of being at risk, standing at a crucial wellness crossroads. This pivotal moment calls for a thoughtful reassessment and strategic realignment of your team's wellness practices. Crafting a focused 90-day plan to intensively engage with key competency teachings is essential. This targeted approach will provide the necessary uplift to steer your team back onto a path of positive well-being.

Action Steps:

  • Conduct a Wellness Audit: Identify the areas where well-being is compromised.
  • Set Clear Objectives: Define success at the end of 90 days.
  • Engage in Competency Teachings: Focus on building skills that enhance emotional, mental, and physical well-being.
  • Regular Check-Ins: Schedule periodic assessments to gauge progress and adjust as needed.

Wellness Level 3
Score Range: 4 – 5

Diminishing Wellness

Diminishing Wellness: Navigate with Care.

The wellness trajectory for your organization is on a concerning decline, signaling a high risk to your team's well-being. It's a critical time for recalibration, requiring focused efforts to realign with essential well-being competencies. Addressing this challenge demands starting with small, yet impactful, changes to pave the way for deeper competency alignment.

Action Steps:

  • List Immediate Changes: Identify simple adjustments that can significantly impact daily well-being.
  • Prioritize Competency Development: Select one core well-being competency to strengthen across the team.
  • Implement Incremental Steps: Break down competency development into manageable actions.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Keep track of progress and be ready to refine your approach based on feedback and outcomes.

Wellness Level 2
Score Range: 3 – 4

Disrupted Wellness

Time for a Reset!

The well-being risks of your organization are very high. Reset Needed: Address Disrupted Wellness in Your Organization.

Your organization's well-being is critical, with alarmingly high risks to well-being. The current trajectory of your team's wellness journey indicates a pressing need for a strategic reset to address foundational issues. Challenges such as dwindling trust, inadequate collaboration, and lackluster leadership engagement are significant hurdles, leading to a disconnection from essential wellness competencies.

Introducing wellness competency training and well-being coaching is imperative to realign and rejuvenate your team's well-being. These steps will address the current misalignment and lay the groundwork for a healthier, more cohesive team dynamic. It's time to prioritize a comprehensive approach to wellness, ensuring your team can thrive in a supportive and productive environment.

Wellness Level 1
Score Range: 1 – 3

Wellness Deficit

Immediate Attention Needed! 

The organization's well-being risk is extremely high. Urgent Wellness Intervention Required for Your Organization.

Your organization is currently facing a significant wellness challenge, which poses a serious risk to your team's mental and professional health. This atmosphere increases stress, burnout, and interpersonal conflicts, highlighting the need for immediate action. The first step involves conducting assessments to understand the interpersonal dynamics at play. Following this, it's crucial to realign your team's values with vital well-being competencies.

By pinpointing areas for improvement and rolling out targeted well-being coaching, you'll be able to foster personal growth and stronger team connections. This strategy is not merely a short-term fix but a commitment to a long-term path toward enhanced well-being and productivity. It's time to take decisive action to ensure your organization moves from surviving to thriving.

The 12 Human Development Competencies

The following are the twelve competencies correlated with your well-being scores. These scores provide insight into how well your wellness aligns with these competencies.

It's important to recognize that competencies are dynamic, not static. They can be quantified and evaluated and, most importantly, enhanced through various methods such as observation, coaching, education, and learning initiatives. Your current scores will serve as an initial benchmark. This allows for the tracking and evaluating your progress in competency development or alignment over the next 90 days.

Understanding Your Results

Your results in each dimension will reflect your level of alignment with area, the competencies and will share light on 3 psychological characteristics that further explains how your areas for development.

Spiritual Dimension

Implications for Your Organization

This document explains the outcomes of the WIS® Assessment concerning your organization's spiritual wellness dimension. It details the areas evaluated, including competency levels, wellness range, and psychosocial aspects.

Spiritual Dimension in the Organizational Context

Within the well-being intelligence system, the spiritual dimension is fundamental, embodying the essence of the organization's philosophy, driving passion and energy. It encompasses organizational self-awareness, aligning corporate values with actions, and the integration of internal spirituality into the global business environment. This dimension is vital for discerning the organization's purpose, connecting with broader societal values, and nurturing hope and a collective sense of purpose. It molds the organization's principles, integrity, identity, and core values, influencing its equilibrium and perception in the business community, thereby affecting stakeholder interactions.

Competency – Integrity

The focus within this dimension is on integrity, evaluated across a spectrum from levels 1 to 8, indicating the degree of wellness and well-being competency alignment. The assessment measures how effectively the organization exhibits integrity in its operations and stakeholder engagements. Operating with integrity means actions are in harmony with core values. These values, shaped by the organization's culture, ethical standards, and social responsibilities, guide decision-making and strategies. Adherence to these values bolsters organizational integrity, equilibrium, self-regard, and overall well-being. The closer an organization's actions align with its foundational values, the more positively it will impact its relationships with employees, customers, and the wider community.

Psychosocial Spheres

This dimension assesses three psychosocial spheres, providing a structure to comprehend how these elements interplay with facets of personal and professional interactions within the organization. Evaluating these psychosocial spheres offers insight into the organization's performance in this dimension, although their classification may vary in different contexts.

The Psychosocial spheres are:

  • Integrity with Self
  • Integrity with Others
  • Integrity of Spirit

Social Dimension

Implications for Your Organization

This section delineates the findings from the WIS® Assessment regarding your organization's social wellness dimension, offering an analysis of evaluated areas such as competency levels, wellness range, and psychosocial factors.

Social Dimension in the Organizational Context

The Social Wellness Dimension assesses the organization's proficiency in cultivating effective interactions within its network, highlighting the essential nature of socialization in a corporate environment. It examines the organization's relationships across a spectrum, including interactions with employees, clients, partners, and the wider community, evaluating the organization's ability to effectively manage these diverse interpersonal connections. Drawing from Stephen Joyce's insights in "Teaching the Anthill to Fetch," the emphasis is placed on the organization's capacity to leverage the energy and resources within its networks efficiently. Joyce points out that negative assumptions can hinder deeper engagement in these networks, restricting access to potential opportunities for organizational growth.

Social Wellness Competency – Responsible Communication

Responsible communication is critical within various social structures of an organization, including workplace interactions, client relations, and partnerships with other entities. It entails respecting the cultural norms of these groups and tailoring communication strategies to reduce interpersonal conflicts. The acceptance of an organization within its network often hinges on its initial communications, underscoring the importance of conveying messages that reflect the organization's desired identity and goals. This competency underlines the significance of effectively harnessing the organization's networks power to foster positive social outcomes and organizational success.

Psychosocial Spheres

This dimension assesses three psychosocial spheres, providing a structure to comprehend how these elements interplay with facets of personal and professional interactions within the organization. Evaluating these psychosocial spheres offers insight into the organization's performance in this dimension, although their classification may vary in different contexts.The aim is to enrich the overall quality of relationships within and beyond the organization.

The Psychosocial spheres are:

  • Communication with Self
  • Communication with Your Network
  • Communication Skills

Emotional Dimension

Implications for Your Organization

This document outlines the WIS® Assessment findings related to the emotional wellness dimension within your organization, offering insights into assessed areas such as competency levels, wellness range, and psychosocial factors.

Emotional Dimension in the Organizational Context

Emotional Wellness within an organization is fundamentally tied to collective self-mastery, a critical competency for managing emotions and fostering wellness throughout all organizational levels. This dimension focuses on the organization's capacity to understand, assess, and regulate its collective emotions and attitudes, guiding its emotional responses. High emotional fitness within an organization is essential for aligning with its core values and ensuring balanced interactions internally among employees and externally with clients and stakeholders. As a pivotal element of emotional wellness, self-mastery allows the organization to steer its direction and manage its relationships effectively. The assessment score reflects the organization's current proficiency in these areas, serving as a foundation for further growth and enhancing emotional wellness across its networks.

Understanding Self-Mastery in an Organizational Setting

Self-mastery in an organizational context involves cultivating a deep connection with the organization's mission, values, and decision-making processes. It requires dedicating time for collective reflection on decisions, evaluating actions, and fostering a culture of self-awareness. An organization achieves self-mastery by differentiating its identity from its collective emotions, recognizing that it encompasses a wide range of emotional experiences. This process includes comparing organizational outcomes with set goals to measure control over collective emotions and their impact on strategic decisions. Developing emotional fitness is an ongoing journey towards achieving organizational self-mastery.

Psychosocial Spheres

This dimension assesses three psychosocial spheres, providing a structure to comprehend how these elements interplay with facets of personal and professional interactions within the organization. Evaluating these psychosocial spheres offers insight into the organization's performance in this dimension, although their classification may vary in different contexts. The aim is to amplify emotional mastery in the interactions and culture of the organization.

  • Emotional Pain
  • Emotional Imbalance
  • Emotional Mastery

Occupational Dimension

Implications for Your Organization

This section outlines the findings from the WIS® Assessment regarding the occupational wellness dimension within your organization, detailing areas such as competency levels, wellness range, and psychosocial factors.

Occupational Dimension in the Corporate Context

Occupation forms a critical arena where individuals exhibit engagement, encompassing competencies, dedication, and success in fulfilling work-related tasks and goals. This dimension mirrors individuals' capacity to execute tasks, solve problems, cultivate strategic abilities, and derive personal fulfillment from their occupational roles. It highlights the potential for personal challenges and growth, extending beyond interpersonal relations to underscore the value of contributing through professional endeavours.

Occupational Wellness Competency – Engagement

Engagement within the organizational setting is comparable to the commitment and enthusiasm demonstrated in personal connections. It reflects an individual's dedication to their professional role, visible in the thoroughness and zeal applied to work responsibilities. This can be observed in various professions, where the commitment to duties indicates a profound engagement with their occupational roles.

Understanding Engagement

Engagement signifies a deep involvement and commitment to certain work aspects, characterized by being fully absorbed or captivated by specific tasks or roles. While not everyone may find every aspect of their job riveting, most individuals can identify components of their work that genuinely interest them. Such engagement facilitates knowledge expansion and improved performance capability, simplifying supervisory and leadership tasks and rendering work more satisfying. Engaged employees are typically more industrious, exceed their basic duties, and consistently seek solutions and opportunities to advance their professionalism.

Psychosocial Spheres

This dimension assesses three psychosocial spheres, providing a structure to comprehend how these elements interplay with facets of personal and professional interactions within the organization. Evaluating these psychosocial spheres offers insight into the organization's performance in this dimension, although their classification may vary in different contexts. The aim is to recognize the link between organization, experience, skills and employees’ level of engagement at work.

The Psychosocial Spheres are:

  • Occupational Skills
  • Occupational Engagement
  • Occupational Experience

Intellectual Dimension

Implications for Your Organization

This segment elaborates on the WIS® Assessment outcomes regarding the intellectual wellness dimension within your organization, breaking down components such as competency levels, wellness range, and psychosocial aspects.

Intellectual Dimension in the Organizational Context

The Intellectual Wellness dimension emphasizes the importance of recognizing and fostering an organization's collective intellectual capacity toward wellness and excellence. It involves assessing the current intellectual strengths of the organization and identifying avenues for their expansion to achieve greater success. This dimension is intricately linked to cognitive functions and the efficiency of organizational thought processes. Reflecting on current neuroscience insights, which suggest a mere 15% utilization of our brain's capacity, it becomes evident that many organizations might not fully leverage their intellectual potential. The assessment scores provide a gauge of how effectively your organization is utilizing its cognitive resources, offering a pathway toward maximizing this invaluable asset.

Intellectual Wellness Competency – Capacity Building

Capacity building within an organization entails continuously acquiring new knowledge, skills, competencies, ideas, and perspectives, enhancing the organization's intellectual prowess and confidence. This can be achieved through various means, such as professional development programs, adopting innovative practices, engaging in research and development, and fostering a culture of continuous learning. The goal is to elevate the organization's knowledge base, bolster self-confidence among its members, and advance in areas that unlock greater freedom and growth prospects.

Psychosocial Spheres

This dimension assesses three psychosocial spheres, providing a structure to comprehend how these elements interplay with facets of personal and professional interactions within the organization. Evaluating these psychosocial spheres offers insight into the organization's performance in this dimension, although their classification may vary in different contexts. The aim is to observe the capacity for personal development and how it aligns with employees’ learning, skills and knowledge.

The Psychosocial Spheres are:

  • Intellectual Capacity
  • Intellectual Wisdom
  • Intellectual Development

Environmental Dimension

Implications for Your Organization

This document details the WIS® Assessment's outcomes concerning your organization's environmental wellness dimension, outlining the competency levels, wellness range, and psychosocial aspects assessed.

Environmental Dimension in the Organizational Context

The Environmental Wellness Dimension evaluates how your organization interacts and aligns with its surrounding environment, emphasizing the principle of interdependence. It assesses whether your organization operates in harmony with or resistance to its operational context, underlining the necessity for acceptance and adaptation to various environmental elements. Organizations that achieve a balance and embrace their environmental context demonstrate a robust understanding of interdependence. They recognize the limits of their control and focus their efforts on areas where they can have the most significant impact with the least resistance.

This dimension confronts the detrimental effects of ongoing struggle and resistance, which can deplete essential energy resources. It promotes the acceptance of immutable factors and the exploitation of the myriad opportunities presented by the environment. Effective adaptation requires the organization to adjust to new circumstances, stakeholders, and realities, actively contributing to the community and the broader ecosystem. The objective is to enhance awareness and foster a culture of appreciation and gratitude within the organization.

Environmental Wellness Competency – Interdependence

The concept of interdependence is fundamental to our existence, including that of organizations. Organizations rely on their environmental context for resources, influenced by natural rhythms and cycles. Despite this interdependence, a mindset of independence and self-interest often prevails, leading to environmental neglect and social discord. Such attitudes can engender greed, envy, and jealousy, resulting in resentment and adverse actions. A lack of social awareness and disregard for the impact on others are prevalent issues.

Organizations can make a positive contribution by adopting respectful practices and treating the environment and all stakeholders with dignity. This includes giving back and replenishing what has been used. While individual and organizational efforts may appear insignificant, collectively, they can enact global change.

Psychosocial Spheres

The Environmental Wellness Dimension provides a framework for a deeper understanding and engagement with environmental aspects from an organizational perspective. While this approach offers one way to categorize these areas, alternative views may be relevant in other contexts. The aim is to increase the significance and depth extracted from each psychosocial sphere, linking them to every facet of the organization's operations and its relationships.

The Psychosocial Spheres are:

  • Environmental Interdependence
  • Relationship Interdependence
  • Environmental Well-being

Financial Dimension

Implications for Your Organization

This document interprets the WIS® Assessment outcomes relating to the financial wellness dimension within your organization, dissecting components such as competency levels, wellness range, and psychosocial aspects assessed.

Financial Dimension in the Corporate Context

The Financial Wellness Dimension highlights the organization's financial health, urging a reassessment of how resources, notably finances and time, are managed. It demands a thorough evaluation of the organization's resource management practices, emphasizing the importance of strategic planning, prioritization, and budget adherence. Financial wellness transcends mere capital accumulation; it encompasses the organization's capacity to fulfill its financial commitments, grow equity, save, and invest judiciously toward its growth and development. The organization's financial health is not merely a factor in its wealth, but how it manages its finances.

This dimension also underscores the mastery of efficient time management and networking strategies, alongside establishing a robust savings plan to bolster financial security. Improved financial wellness positively influences all organizational facets, enabling genuine and confident operation, liberated from fiscal overstretch and monetary concerns. It directs organizations to reassess their financial approaches, fostering innovation and financial acumen for a fulfilling and less encumbered existence.

Financial Wellness Competency – Innovation

Innovation stands as a cornerstone for attaining financial wellness. While commonly associated with financial gain, in this context, financial wellness also pertains to the inventive and creative stewardship of time and resources. Being innovative involves unlocking the creative potential within the organization. Many organizations fail to harness this potential due to prevailing fears and doubts that obstruct the materialization of innovative ideas and financial prospects. These apprehensions can lead to forgone revenue and unrealized concepts. Surmounting these fears, alongside efficient planning and prioritization, can unveil substantial financial avenues.

Psychosocial Speres

This dimension assesses three psychosocial spheres, providing a structure to comprehend how these elements interplay with facets of personal and professional interactions within the organization. These spheres offer a scaffold for enhancing your organization's financial acumen, management, and resilience. They assist your organization in aligning its financial resilience with its capacity for financial innovation.

The Psychosocial Speres are:

  • Financial Wisdom
  • Financial Innovation
  • Financial Resilience

Physical Dimension

Implications for Your Organization

This document provides an interpretation of the WIS® Assessment outcomes relating to the physical wellness dimension within your organization, detailing areas such as competency levels, wellness range, and psychosocial aspects assessed.

Physical Dimension in the Organizational Context

Physical wellness is crucial in achieving optimal health and functionality, extending beyond merely avoiding illness or addiction. It embodies a comprehensive state of physical health, where the organization fosters an environment that promotes its members' well-being and optimal functioning. Achieving this level of wellness requires active engagement in practices that nurture and enhance the overall workplace environment.

For an organization, physical wellness encompasses promoting a lifestyle free from harmful addictions and behaviours, thus sustaining healthy energy levels and endurance among employees. This state of wellness benefits individual health and positively influences the organizational culture, making it more dynamic and vibrant. The assessment of this dimension reflects how the organization perceives its collective physical well-being and its progress toward achieving optimal health and vitality for its workforce. Recognizing the current state is crucial for setting and attaining health-related objectives at the organizational level.

Competency - Vibrancy

Vibrancy within an organization is characterized by its collective energy, enthusiasm, and vigor. It challenges the sedentary tendencies of modern work environments and calls for self-motivation, strong stamina, and an active lifestyle supported by health-conscious policies and practices. This includes encouraging a balanced diet, adequate physical activity, and proper care among employees and creating a work environment free from addictive behaviours and tendencies that undermine health.

Wellness in this context means maintaining an organizational culture that supports vitality, endurance, and a lifestyle devoid of conditions that impede performance. It involves making conscious choices that enhance collective well-being and avoiding those that deplete energy and strength. Vigilance against habits harmful to health and stamina is also key. The presentation of the workplace environment contributes to the overall sense of vibrancy, affecting employees' morale and productivity.

Psychosocial Spheres

The psychosocial spheres within the physical wellness dimension offer a framework for understanding and enhancing the organization's approach to physical wellness. While this methodology presents one way to categorize these life areas, different perspectives may apply in other contexts. The intention is to enrich the organizational perspective on physical wellness, relating it to every aspect of work life and interpersonal relationships that influence the workplace.

These Psychosocial Spheres are:

  • Physical Activities
  • Physical Care and Nutrition
  • Physical Resilience

Interpersonal Dimension

Implications for Your Organization

This section interprets the WIS® Assessment outcomes related to the interpersonal wellness dimension within your organization, providing insights into competency levels, wellness range, and psychosocial aspects assessed.

Interpersonal Dimension in the Organizational Context

The Interpersonal Dimension of well-being within an organization evaluates the quality of interactions and relationships among its members. It emphasizes the importance of minimizing conflict to enhance satisfaction and productivity from meaningful workplace relationships. This dimension scrutinizes the organization's ability to manage disruptions and forge resilient connections among teams and departments. High scores indicate an organization's proficiency in conflict resolution, resilience, negotiation, forgiveness, collaboration, and teamwork. In contrast, lower scores, particularly in resilience, signal an urgent need for development in these critical interpersonal skills at both individual and organizational levels.

Competency - Resilience

Resilience in an organizational setting refers to the collective ability to bounce back from challenges, setbacks, or disruptions. It is a proactive competency, developed in anticipation of potential obstacles, essential for maintaining a stable and adaptive organizational environment. Cultivating resilience involves fostering a supportive network within the organization that aids recovery and growth during and after difficult periods. It also includes creating policies and practices that promote psychological safety, encourage open communication, and support employee well-being.

Psychosocial Spheres

The psychosocial spheres within the Interpersonal Wellness Dimension provide a framework for a deeper understanding of the organization's interpersonal dynamics. The aim is to enhance awareness of how interpersonal relationships play a significant role in how employees experience the workplace culture.

These Psychosocial spheres are:

  • Relationship with Self
  • Relationship with Others
  • Interpersonal Skills

How WIS® Assessment Works

The WIS® Assessment measures 27 psychosocial spheres that combines 9 dimensions and 12 well-being competencies. These spheres reflect possible risks to leadership, team, and individual well-being and provide insight into resilience, agility, and relationships within the organizational system.

The Well-being Assessment Scoring Chart

The provided well-being assessment charts deliver a detailed overview of your performance across all nine dimensions, twelve competencies, and twenty-seven psychosocial well-being indicators. For an in-depth evaluation, please consult the included dimensional scoring charts detailing your results in the various well-being dimensions and competencies.

Consider these findings as the foundational benchmark of your current trajectory toward well-being.

View these results as a baseline of your current path to well-being.

Wellbeing Competency Consultation

As you assess your scores, be aware that there is potential for enhancement in all areas through targeted competency coaching and consultingthat offers an in-depth understanding of the psychosocial spheres and recommends the best competency development plan.

We encourage you to contact us to discuss these future steps and how we can work together to advance your well-being over the next 90 days.

Wellbeing Competency Coaching

As you assess your scores, be aware that there is potential for enhancement in all areas through targeted competency coaching from a certified well-being facilitator to understand the categories best and recommend a competency development plan.

To support this, we offer a complimentary well-being coaching session with each purchased report. This session is designed to help you align your objectives and plan your steps forward in growth and development.

We encourage you to contact us to discuss these future steps and how we can work together to advance your well-being over the next 90 days.

Our team is ready to connect you with a certified well-being competency coach to facilitate this journey.

Assessment Information

About The Wellness Improvement System® (WIS)

Since its inception in 2010, the WIS® Assessment has been informing individuals, organizations, congregations, and communities with the intelligence to adopt a culture of well-being in their lives and workplaces with compelling results. It underpins the Well-being Intelligence Curriculum™, establishing a global benchmark for holistic human development and capacity enhancement in well-being.

Type of Assessment:  Psychosocial Well-being, Competency Development, Relational Resilience.

Format: The WIS® Assessment comprises 180 questions, the results of which are articulated through 27 psychosocial well-being scales. These scales coalesce into 9 distinct dimensions of well-being, further delineating twelve competencies integral to human development. These competencies include Integrity, Responsible Communication, Self-Mastery, Engagement, Capacity Building, Interdependence, Innovation, Vibrancy, Resilience, Vision, Belonging, and Attending.

Data Security:  We adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) guidelines for all our assessments as per our privacy policy.

Assessment Uses:  This assessment has been used to develop Teams, Leaders, Organizational Benchmarks for Culture Change, Community and Congregational Benchmarks, and Development Strategies.

Training Requirements:  All facilitators must be WIS® Wellness Facilitators and have Well-being Intelligence Curriculum Facilitators Certifications.


A growing body of research has explored the effects of mindfulness-based practices, such as meditation and yoga, on psychological well-being.

These studies have demonstrated that these practices can have positive effects on mood, stress levels, and overall well-being (Brown & Ryan, 2003).

Cognitive-behavioural therapies, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), have also been found to be effective in promoting well-being, particularly for individuals with depression and anxiety (Cuijpers et al., 2013).

Positive interpersonal connections with loved ones, friends, and romantic interests are crucial for psychological health (Frederick & Loewenstein, 1999). These connections give people emotional support, a sense of community, and support for happiness and wellbeing (Peterson & Seligman, 2004).

An individual's overall assessment of their life and their emotions of joy and fulfilment are referred to as life satisfaction (Diener et al., 1985). It is regarded as being essential to well-being since it is intimately correlated with one's sense of meaning and purpose in life (Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000).

Odidison. B. Joyce (2021). WIS Method: An Inclusive Wellness Competency Teaching and Coaching Framework. A Wellness System Approach to Psychological Safety and DEI Conflict Management at Work.

Clifton, J., & Harter, J. K. (2021). Wellbeing at work: how to build resilient and thriving teams. New York, NY, Gallup Press.

Daniels, K. (2022). Achieving sustainable workplace wellbeing.